
Why Outsourcing Your Social Media will change your Business

Why Outsourcing Your Social Media will change your Business

Welcome to episode 6 of The Determined Mom Show. This is Amanda Tento, and I am your host. We will dive in today on why outsourcing your social media might be the best thing you’ve ever done for your business. So let’s go ahead and get started talking about that. 

I want to start by saying that I’ve researched what moms like you have struggled the most with their marketing. Some of the things people struggle with are knowing what to post, where to post it, what time to post it, and how to grow your audience. There are many more, but those are the top four things that people generally struggle with regarding social media, and I think it’s important to know that every platform has its quirks. 

So knowing each platform is important because YouTube is different from Facebook, which is different from LinkedIn, etc. They’re all so different and amazing because they allow you to market your business for free. Mostly if you do organic marketing and they connect you with your audience, but how do you know which one is right for you? So I am here today to share everything with you and let you know why outsourcing social media, which is often the biggest problem for people, can turn your business around.

So today, I will let you know how or what hiring a Social Media Manager would take. Know exactly what a Social Media Manager does and how hiring one can grow your business.

Since everyone travels with a smartphone, they have their favorite social media app installed, sometimes multiple of them. This means that when you post from the right social media, typically, you’re in people’s pockets.

So it depends on who your audience is, but you can pop up on any feed that your target audience is on. Whether it’s a Facebook or Twitter post and posting is for free. So the thing is, you need to be very strategic about it; that way, you can get more focused on exactly where and who sees your posts.

You can also utilize a social media scheduler like Buffer. I use Buffer because it allows you to post on LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. So you don’t have to do that extra manual step each time for each social media. There are a lot of social media schedulers, so I recommend that you research the best ones for you and consider the cost and different pros and cons of each one.

Five Steps to Outsourcing Your Social Media

The first thing you need to do is to know where you will be posting, whether it’s LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest. All of these are great platforms, but if you don’t know who your audience is or if you don’t know who you’re targeting, you’re just going to be posting randomly.

This means the right people aren’t seeing it, and it’s a waste of time. So figuring out where that audience you define will help you figure out where they spend most of their time, and that’s where you or your Social Media Manager will focus on.

The second thing is going to be defining your branding and your message. It is extremely important to know who you’re talking to and what you want to say to them. What are you trying to give them? Are you trying to add value? Are you trying to sell them a product? There are so many things you can do, and every good marketing plan and business is really about solving problems for people.

So to reiterate that you have to complete steps one and two of this process before you hire a Social Media Manager. You don’t want to go and just let them take over because they don’t have your vision. They’re not going to know exactly what you want, and it’s just not going to be a good situation for you or your Social Media Manager to have neither of those things defined. 

Number three is going to be to hire someone. This will probably be one of the easiest steps in the process. So you can find a Social Media Manager in plenty of different places. I’m going to give you some tips on where to find them. There are Facebook groups that are specifically for social media management.

You can also look in virtual assistant groups on Facebook. There are plenty of Social Media Managers that hang out there. You can just Google Social Media Manager or how to hire a Social Media Manager. You could Google Social Media Manager pricing.

Then you will find them come up as well. You could Google Facebook Manager, Pinterest Manager, or whatever type of manager you want. Maybe you’re looking for someone to help you grow your LinkedIn, like LinkedIn Growth Specialist. So just put that in Google and see what comes up or general social media management. You might be able to find something by doing that in your search as well.

One thing that I highly suggest when you go to this third step of hiring someone is to prepare a Google form or a jot form or something like that. It’s kind of like an application to get some background information from that person and some examples of accounts they currently manage.

There are just literally so many things that you can ask them. One thing that I always love to do in my applications is to ask some difficult scenarios or difficult questions like, what would you do if this happened? So give them a tough situation, and you could say, what would you do if one of my posts stopped posting for a few days?

There are just a lot of different questions that you can ask them, and make sure that you’re hiring the right people that can solve those questions without necessarily needing to consult you and make sure that they also understand your brand expectations and then that way there’s always a clear communication of what is expected. 

So the fourth step will be the interview process, ensuring you have a great rapport with someone asking for samples of their work and links to accounts. Another thing you want to check in the interview process is whether their grammar is good. I would highly suggest making sure that you’re hiring someone that is native to the language that you’re working in.

Be sure that you have a contract in place and that you have an expectation of when all of the work will be done, but also make sure you have a clause in there for a cancellation policy. Maybe it’s a seven-day notice, maybe a five-day notice, maybe even a 10-day notice, whatever you both feel comfortable with and agree to make sure you have that in there. People often go into these relationships without these necessary binders. It’s very important to protect yourself and protect your business. What to expect from them will also give you clear expectations and eliminate much stress between you. 

So now that you’ve hired your first Social Media Manager, you now have a lot of time to focus on growing your business or managing clients. Maybe you’ll gain some time back for the family instead of spending all that time on work.

The fifth step is to make sure you give them your branding specifications, maybe a couple of samples of things you like or things you’ve done in the past. So then that way, they can focus on recreating that and keeping up with your brand.

They can also do group management. So if you have a Facebook group or community, they can manage that. Pinterest managers can pin and create pins for you, and Pinterest is amazing at driving traffic to your website. They can manage your Youtube or SEO as well, for example. 

Your Social Media Manager can assist with many different aspects of your marketing if that’s what you need them to focus on or 1 or 2 Social Media Channels mostly. So certainly a lot of benefits for you and your business. Thank you so much for listening with much gratitude, have a great week. 


If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

I also walk you through the 5 steps you need to take to make sure that you hire the right Social Media Manager for you! Hiring the right person is critical to making your business flow and getting those hours you currently agonize over back for your family or business growth!

You can download your free focus sheet here.

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