Why Having Systems and Processes is Important for Your Future Growth

Why Having Systems and Processes is Important for Your Future Growth

Welcome to The Determined Mom Show. This is Amanda Tento, and today we will talk about why having systems, processes, and automation is amazing for your business and will propel you to success.

Let’s talk about systems. Systems are tools. Processes that are combined to make your life easier. So a system would be a CRM system combined with a process, which would be your onboarding process, which will change how you do things. You need one if you don’t have a CRM and more than two customers.

Because you need to be able to track them, track their purchases, track any communications you’ve had with them, track everything, and then that way, you may not need it now. You also may not see the need for it now. Still, I guarantee you that later down the road, you will want that data to see who you talked to about this product, their feedback, and what that conversation entailed.

You can use that data to develop new products, programs, and everything. So I want to encourage you to. Please think about what you need to do in your business and research.

What is the best software to do that?

Now, I use Dubsado for my primary CRM for sending invoices and everything, and for the last two years, not three years, I’ve used Wave Accounting.

And this year, I switched to zero. I switched to zero because Zero integrates with Dubsado, so I no longer have to record every single sale, which is awesome manually. That saves me so much time and energy; when someone pays it, it’s already marked as paid. I don’t have to go in and do that manually, either.

There are many benefits to having systems and processes for everything, including email automation, social media planning, and scheduling. There are so many things that you can automate in your business. And you can create systems and processes and pair them together to create an automated system for your business.

There is no excuse, no matter how big or small you are. There are so many different free CRMs out there. There are so many different. Three email systems out there. My email system of choice is gonna be AWeber. They are amazing. They will import all of your information, including your list, sequences, emails, and absolutely everything, into AWeber for you, whether you’re starting with their free account or one of their paid accounts.

Huge. Everyone that I’ve ever talked to at AWeber is just a fantastic person, and they are so. Passionate about what they’re doing. So that is another thing that I love about working with them. Now, the other area this will help you with is when you are ready to scale your business.

That is the stage I’m in right now, and I am—constantly creating standard operating procedures for my business, so I can hand many of my processes over to my new VA, who will be hired shortly. So all of this is just a precursor to your growth. You want to Thank strategically right now.

In the future, you will have more customers. You will have, at some point, more customers than you might be able to handle on your own, and you need to be able to have these systems and processes in place right now. Now, I’m going to tell you one thing to avoid that I’ve done very frequently over the last few years.

Buy everything that you see as far as, you know, different apps and programs and things like that. I have like four video programs that I own, and I own all kinds of YouTube promotion, tagging, translating, and all sorts of programs. Save your money on all of those. It’s shiny object syndrome.

You don’t need to do it; you can focus on the basics. Try to automate as much as you can. Use Zapier when you need to. So then that way, you can connect things and start with basics, like Stripe and PayPal are the only two payment methods you need to focus on.

They are widely accepted, and they’re secure. And there’s no reason that you need to do anything else. So I hope this episode helped you, gives you a little focus, and lets you know exactly what to focus on as you begin your journey.

I am working on some exciting things behind the scenes, and one of those things is a mastermind that is going to be very affordable. It will be available to everyone and help you accelerate your business in the next year by learning a.

Area of expertise every single month. This will be an amazing opportunity for those just starting or thinking about more focus or reorganizing. It will help you get the clarity you need and all the systems and processes you need in your business.

I’m looking forward to that. And please leave us a review on iTunes, and you can also leave us a review on SpeakPipe. Just go to speakpipe.com/the Determined Mom Show. I hope you have a great week.


If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

Other Website: TDM Marketing 

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