
Surprise! Why We Took A Break From Publishing The Podcast

Welcome to this long-awaited episode of The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento, and I am about to share with you why we’ve been on hiatus for so long.

It was an unexpected hiatus, a little vacation from recording and from just almost everything. We are currently expecting our fourth child to be born in January, so from May through. For most of July, I’ve been pretty much out of it. Out of commission, out of energy is probably the best word to use for that.

So for the last about two and a half months, I’ve been under the weather, if you will, with no morning sickness, which is a huge blessing, but definitely a very, Sharp lack of energy. So I’ve spent many hours napping and trying to cook this baby as well as I can, and that is what has been going on here. So lots of interesting things happening over the last few months and lots of updates.

The business. Lots of new things. So we are gonna kick off our next new episode on August 1st, 2022. And if you are a loyal listener, you’ll be very excited to hear these episodes that are gonna be coming up because there is a lot of amazing information in them. And we have some very special guests coming up.

Lorier, Brocklin. Rachel Peterson is gonna be a guest. It’s already been recorded. We also have Meg Brunson coming up as well. So we have some really amazing episodes coming up in August, September, and October. Really great content, really great information for you and how to move your business forward, and how to master some of these amazing platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and all of the places that you wanna.

How to master them. So these amazing women are gonna be here and sharing with you how to do that. So I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. And if you have not downloaded our six marketing musts, you must do that now. It is going to show you the proven marketing system that we use for our clients that allows you to move through your marketing with very little effort after you get everything set up and it’s going to keep you producing.

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

Other Websites: TDM Marketing

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