
Update Your Google Analytics Today to Keep Tracking

Update Your Google Analytics Today to Keep Tracking

Welcome to episode 247 of The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento. And if you are listening to this and don’t know why my voice sounds like this, it’s because I was intubated and have some vocal cord issues. Working on resolving those, but this is how my voice sounds. So I apologize. And I hope you will keep listening so that you can get the content of this podcast. 

Today, we’re going to talk about. Y you need to update your Google Analytics today. So that way, you can keep tracking your website data. Google Analytics. It has changed from universal analytics, which we’ve all had installed for years and years. To Google Analytics, the difference is. 

There’s a significant difference, and it’s in our favor. They will track across the internet. So let’s say someone is browsing on their phone. And then, they pick your website back up on their desktop. They will only track that person as one visitor, which is great because. 

They will know because if they’re logged in to any Google products or anything like that, they do laundry and browse if they’re on the same network. Whatever it might be. If we’re on that same IP, they will track that person as one visitor. So that way, it’s not fluffing your analytics or your visitors. 

That kind of thing. So it’s essential. And also. If you have any mobile apps, it’s going to be across mobile apps as well. So you’re not going to have inflated. User information for apps and the web. So that’s an essential feature. There’s also enhanced reporting. Other things like that now. 

If you’re thinking, I don’t want to upgrade. Unfortunately, you don’t have a choice. Google Analytics, universal analytics, has stopped tracking ads. First of this year. So as I was recording this a few days ago, 

That means that you have to make sure you have Google Analytics set up and make sure that it is tracking. Very easy to do that. Very easy. And you have to do it. There’s no other. Either option is for you. You can be at ax systems, but Google Analytics is free. It’s very robust. 

You can do a lot of different tracking in there. A lot about who’s visiting your website: you can even find out if. Suppose your social media posts are getting any traction. You must do this. And please do it today because if you wait another day, you lose another data day. 

Now what happens to all that data you already have in universal analytics? Does it convert over to Google Analytics for is not. So you will have to save that data somehow if you want to keep the access to it. So let’s say—next August. You’re like, how did we do in August of 2020 or August of 22 or 21? 

You’re going to need to have backed up that data. So that way you can access it. One way you can do that is through. A significant query backup. That’s the easiest way. It’s a Google data backup. Definitely. 

It must be done, especially if you’re a large or medium-sized company or yourself. You want to keep that information. So you have access. What’s going on? You can look at trends and determine if you’re doing better than the previous year. All of that is critical. 

For your marketing success. If you need help doing this, we do offer. This service is at TDM marketing—more than that. I want to ensure you’re aware of this change. And that you’re able to take action. Our podcast is all about actionable marketing tips and tools, which you should have done already. 

But I’m just reminding you in case you haven’t. If you have any questions about this episode, please contact me at amanda@tdm/marketing.com. Thank you for listening, and have a great week.

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!


Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

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