
Check Out The Newest Google My Business Features

Check Out The Newest Google My Business Features

Welcome to episode number 95 of The Determined Mom Show. I am going to talk to you today about some updates to Google my business that have happened recently, and these are some more user-friendly things that make managing your Google My Business profile and your reputation a lot easier.

So the first update is they added a performance dashboard to your insights. So what you’re able to do is go to your insights on your Google My Business homepage. And you can click on insights on your left, and then what’s going to happen is the old insights will come up. So you’re going to see how customers search for your business.

All of those things are right there. And then you can scroll down, and you know, you can sort it by quarter, you can sort it by month, or you can sort it by week now. If you look at the very top, it says your insights are moving, and then you can click here to see a new performance profile. This is a preview of what it will look like in the future, which is awesome because previously, you had to go in a different way to get insights by period and what it would give you.

It is a CSV file. So it could have been more visual and easy to read; it was, you know, data. So I have a way to put that data into a spreadsheet, but for, you know, an average business that doesn’t do Google my company as their business. It is important to see these metrics to select your time period at the top to make it from October through March.

It still needs to allow you t pick days in, you know, specific days. And date ranges, but it will enable you to pick months. So if you want to check December, you can choose December to December and apply, and you can see how many interactions you had, how many calls, and how many messages. It will also tell you where you are.

Traffic came from and device breakdown. So it breaks down Google search via mobile, Google search via desktop, and then maps and search via desktop and mobile. It will also give you a detailed list of the search terms turned in in your profile in the results. So this is exciting to look into and see what people are searching for and how they’re finding you.

So that is the insights update. The second update is called a review removal request tool. It allows you to manage any reviews you need to report for removal. Now, these reviews are going to be ones that you’ve already. Reported, um, and they violate the Google Review policies. Maybe they’re using profanity; whatever this review contains, you can dispute that review and have them look over it and see if it is acceptable.

It just makes that whole process a lot easier. Four. You would have to submit a request and then wait to hear back, and then they would review it and all this stuff, and maybe you got it removed. But this lets you see your reviews in a list format and tell you the rating and posting date.

You can view it on the maps, or a little button says Report a problem. That is where you can report those problems. Your reviews, and interestingly enough, I don’t have access to these. We manage too many Google My Business profiles to have access to this. So if you have less than 10 Google My Business profiles on your dashboard, like you manage less than ten other Google My Business businesses, then you will have access to the review management.

So I hope you enjoyed this quick little tidbit of information. I just created a new blog post allowing you to see all 3000 plus categories on Google My Business. Such class. For example, I am a digital marketing agency, so that is my primary category on Google My Business.

If you’re a hair salon, It’s probably going to be a hair salon that is a category, and you can have up to 10 categories; one will be your prime category, and the others will be subcategories. So, you know, take notes as you’re looking through it. It is a very large list, so I hope you enjoy you can find that on tdmmarketing.com, and you will go to our blog, and that list is available to you.

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Check out our newest blog post with ALL of the Google My Business Categories Listed. 

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