
How To Tell If You Have Submitted a Sitemap to Google Search Console & Why You Should

Welcome to episode 179 of The Determined Mom Show. Today we’re gonna talk about how to tell if you have submitted a sitemap of your website to Google Search Console and why you should, what is a site map?

We’ll start with that. A site map is an index of all of the pages of your website, and it gives Google. The ability to crawl those web pages and kind of see what information is there. But you’re telling Google that like, Hey, I have these pages on my website and I would like you to index them in your algorithm.

That is what a site map is. And the quickest way to tell if you have a site map is to, and this generally works for most websites, you, it may be a little bit off for some, but it’s a pretty, pretty good rule so you go to yours. And then you put forward slash site maps all one-word dot XML. 

How To Tell If You Have Submitted a Sitemap to Google Search Console & Why You Should

If you have a site map, it will be generated here, and then that way you can tell if you even have one, if you find that you don’t have one and you are working in Yoast or I mean in Google in WordPress. 

If you’re working in WordPress. Install an SEO plugin like Yoast Seo, that will help you to generate a sitemap. And then you simply copy that link and put it into Google Search Console.

Now to enter a website into Google Search Console, the first thing you’re gonna do is Google search. Google Search Console. I know that sounds funny, but you’re gonna go to Google, you’re gonna type in Google Search Console.

And then it will bring you to the website, and then you’re just gonna click Start. Now, if you’re already signed into a Google account, it will take you to the properties that you have on your account if you have them already as properties in Google Search Console.

If you don’t have any, it will bring you to set up a new property, and then you can go ahead and do that. So whatever that is. You can enter that then on the left-hand side, you’re simply going.

Click on site maps. So let’s say you’ve gone through all that, you’ve added your site, and everything is done. You’re gonna click on site maps on the left-hand side, and then you’re gonna enter the URL for your site map.

How To Tell If You Have Submitted a Sitemap to Google Search Console & Why You Should

Hit submit, and then down below you’ll see a little column that says Status, and it’s gonna show the word success in green if everything works well.

That’s how hard and how easy it is to submit your sitemap to Google. This is a very important thing to do because. If you have a website, Google may crawl it sometimes, but it may not

It may take a long time for it to find it. It may find it right away, but why leave that to chance and not know if it’s, if your site is indexed and if Google is displaying your site or can even get to your site? So that is a very, very important thing that you can do today to increase your SEO. I hope that you enjoyed this episode.

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

Other Website: TDM Marketing 

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