
Learn SEO from start to finish and get very special pricing!

Learn SEO from start to finish and get very special pricing!

Welcome to episode 11 of The Determined Mom Show. The only marketing podcast dedicated to guiding mom CEOs into tranquility, and wealth and multiplying those precious moments. I am your host, Amanda Tento and I’m going to be talking about Online Marketing for Moms. 

I am so excited to start teaching you some really great SEO skills. I want to help every mom that I can to better their business in any way that I can. I have a huge passion for it and I just wanted to make sure that you’re able to learn SEO yourself and get great results. So basically what I came up with was why not teach all of these marketing techniques and tools that I use and that I implement in my business and for my clients on a daily basis with you?

I’m going to teach those tactics to you in a really easy-to-follow start-to-finish format. So then that way you can learn, you can do it and it’s not just going to be something that you kind of have to piece together. One thing that I’ve found is that there is a ton of information on SEO out there, which is great and it’s free and it’s useful, and helpful.

There are so many people that I personally follow in the SEO industry to gain knowledge from and those kinds of things. However, when you’re trying to learn how to do it and execute it on your website and make sure you’re doing everything and there are certain things that you need to have in place before other things, all of that isn’t necessarily in a sequence when you look out at the free SEO information that’s out there.

So I decided that I was going to take it and just create it from start to finish. I really want you to be able to learn it from the beginning. I don’t want you to have to piece things together. I don’t want you to have to guess if this is what I should be doing next.

I want you to have results and I want them to be amazing. So that is why I started the Online Marketing for Moms membership. How is it going to help you? It is going to help you by again, teaching you exactly what you need to know from the beginning, from exactly where you’re starting from.

So wherever you’re starting from, most people are starting from zero. So the first couple modules I go through are going to be SEO basics and then we also have SEO vocabulary. Then module 1 is basically SEO basics and then in module 2, we move on to auditing, which is a really important step in the whole process.

It will give you all of the information you need to know on how to audit your website. Audits are probably one of the most important things cause we need to get in there. We see what’s going on and figure out everything. 

First, I’ll teach you how to look at your website, how to perform a page speed audit, what causes those pages to be slow, how to fix the page speed issues, free website auditing tools, and then how to quickly check for missing meta and alt image tags. I have some tools for that as well, which are free WordPress plugins for optimum performance user experience audit, which is an extremely important part of SEO and also conversion.

So there are some other marketing strategies built into this SEO course such as keyword analysis & lead generation. I think that’s a very important part of SEO because you need to be bringing more people to your email list. You need to be building that because you need to be converting those people into clients.

So all of that includes competitor analysis and also a social media audit because you need to make sure that you have all of your social media linking back to one another. So we’ll go through that as well. Taking action is going to be the third module and setting up the basics.

So we’re going to learn how to properly set up the Yoast SEO plugin, Google Search Console, Google My Business listing, Google Analytics, and also Bing Webmaster Tools, which is very similar to Google Search Console, and how to claim your Bing My Places listing. So Bing also has a listing that’s similar to Google My Business and you can also claim your business on Apple Maps. So we’re going to go through all of those things. 

The fourth module is going to be setting your SEO goals and developing a strategy. So we’re going to talk about why SEO is a long-term ongoing project. What to think about for your campaign, how to set a Google brand alert, and how to execute social link wrapping and check for duplicate content.

So we want to make sure that your strategy is developed and we know what’s going on with that. Then we’re going to get into technical SEO, which is probably the part that everybody shies away from and dislikes.

So we’re going to go into your SSL on your website, robots.txt site structure, setting up 301 redirects, canonical tags, URL structure, a site map, and making sure that we get the preferred version of your site set. Then we move on to onsite optimization with audit internal links, breadcrumbs structured data, and accelerated mobile pages. 

Then we move on to keywords and how to use Keywords Everywhere. Competitor keyword audit, keyword ranking, and targeting. Then the last two modules are content and backlinks.

So content, we go into headline review tags, review pages with high bounce rates, homepage audit category review, and archive review and we also go into top shared content and updating your meta descriptions as well as reviewing your page titles.

So that’s all very important stuff to make sure that you’re giving the right signals to Google as to what each web page on your website is about. Finally, we move into backlinks and we talk about another competitor audit for backlinks.

That’s going to be a little bit different than the one that we did earlier for keywords and we’re going to also talk about your industry connections, how to use them, and how to request backlinks.

So those are all the class, all of the lessons in the first course, onlinemarketingformoms.com and I just have to tell you, this has been a labor of love just knowing that I’m going to be able to help so many moms with this particular product has been kind of inspiring and it has really kept me going and kept me on task for finishing. 

So the membership is just going to be full of information in the years to come. So this is not a one-time project for me. This is something that I am looking forward to spending most of my energy and time on because I want to help as many moms as I can, which makes me super excited.

So if you would like to join us, please visit onlinemarketingformoms.com and you can register. I would love to get to know you get to know your business and help you grow. So looking forward to talking to you soon with much gratitude, have a great week.

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

That doesn’t mean you should have to wait until you can afford to hire someone to do it for you.  If you have a couple of hours a week to devote to learning and executing our SEO course, then join us!

You don’t need to spend hours of extra time piecing together all of the free SEO info that is out there either.  That can leave you spinning your wheels and sometimes doing things that you may not need to or missing things you should have done!

Stop running in circles and join us today!  We are offering a VERY special price for our first 50 Founding VIP members. We are going to give you  Lifetime access to the course for $79.  Yep, just one payment.  That offer is good for the first 50 Moms who join us by July 7th.  On July 8th, we will implement our regular pricing structure which will be $99/month or $990 per year.

I am so looking forward to having you join us!

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