
 How You Can Use an a Email List to Build Connections and Convert Them with Ashley DeLuca

How You Can Use an Email List to Build Connections and Convert Them.

Welcome to episode 58 of The Determined Mom Show, and I have an amazing guest, Ashley Deluca, an email marketing expert. She will be talking to us about how to use an email list to build and convert connections.

I’m so pumped to be here. I am very excited. I loved your session at the Business Mom Summit, and I know that you have so much value to bring to the audience and to explain what we can do to use Email to build those connections.

I’m very excited to talk to you. Tell us about you and your background and how you got started working from home for yourself. I began my journey a long, long time ago. Back when I was about 14 years old, I went through the process of learning how to code websites.

From library books. And so, to speed up my story, I went from being a 14-year-old coding website to college into my first corporate job. And I’m like, listen, like this isn’t for me. I was in a bubble of, you know, just. It would be best if you stayed in this box. Otherwise, you just don’t fit here.

And I’m a very passionate person. I’m like in the realm of like, I could be passionate about fruit, I could be passionate about a pen, like whatever it is that day, I’m passionate about it, and I tell everybody about it. It just didn’t fit me. And so I got pregnant and got to the point where I was like, oh my gosh, I need to do something.

I grew up in a home where my mom could stay at home, for the most part, with the kids. And I just felt like that’s what I wanted to do for me. Like I wanted to be able to stay home with my son and to be able to take care of him and, you know, to be able to, you know, also bring things to the table for my family, with income and being able to use my talents and gifts, but also too, being able to take care of.

I opened up my first business; this is like three years ago now called Blank Slate Media Consulting. I did websites, and everyone said, ” Ashley, I need you to put in this email marketing form. And I was like, why are we sending out ads? Like that seems.

So counterintuitive in my mind, they were like, no, no, no. Like this is something completely different, I started digging my toes into it. I just absolutely fell in love because it was a mix of writing, which I love to do, with strategy and conversations and building relationships in another way besides just making a social media post that, you know, gets lost super easily.

As you said, those social media posts have no shelf life, but someone can always be like, oh, I think I remember somebody sending me an email about that. Let me look at my email. Of course, if you’re not one of those, if I’m one of those people with 20,000 emails in my inbox, it’s like, if it’s something that I think I could come back to someday.

I’ll leave it there, and then I can search in my email, almost like Google. Yep. And see if anybody has anything. Exactly. And you know, also too, it’s one of those things where, you know, you start, like as you start to send people, you know, on your list more frequently, it becomes one of those things where you’re like, oh, yep, there’s Amanda.

Amanda’s super awesome; I love emails. And they start to build that know-like and trust factor with you in your inbox just by seeing your name continually popping up with unique content and resources. And there are people like you in my inbox, and I feel the same way about your emails.

I love reading your emails, and I always feel like you’re talking directly to me, which is hilarious and fun, and that’s exactly the tone. Depending on your demographic, of course. And your, yeah. And your audience. But that’s a great tone to have because it makes, as you said, it makes it feel like you’re, you know, getting coffee with your best friend or whatever.

Your tone is so incredibly important, especially, you know, as you’re trying to figure out where your brand stands. And for many personal brands, it’s really about that conversation where you feel like you’re just talking one-on-one. I’ve seen so many. That I’ve, you know, audited for other people.

They’ve used these templates, and they’re like, I don’t know, it doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel like me. And at the end of the day, you can use templates to go through the process of getting your voice. I have templates, you know, to like start that process.

But you have to embody who you are as a person. And for me, I say, Holy Glock, so you’ll see Holy Glock inside my emails. And so it would be, Necessarily brand for you to avoid seeing Holy Walk and like an email or OMG and stuff like that, as opposed to making sure that you’re using things you say in real life.

Cause a lot of times, you know, if you don’t have the right tone, you may be a very passionate, bubbly person. Still, if your emails are super dry because that’s how the templates were set up, it’s going to be a total mismatch, and they’re, and you’re not going to attract your ideal clients by that doing.

Please tell us what we need to do, how we need to do it, and why—setting you up there. Could you lead me here? So at what point are we going in at this? People have, and most of our listeners probably have an established list. It may be small because they’re just starting or haven’t focused on that lead generation process.

But you can explain why we should focus on that lead generation process and how we can effectively after we have them. Build that email list and then convert those people on the list into sales and clients. And into customers, however, you know, whatever that is.

I’m incredibly excited that you asked this because I just spent this past Sunday, as of when we’re talking now, recording, and literally sitting in front of my bed with my laptop and just spilling out my entire brain in terms of how Ashley would do email marketing.

What would that be if I had a whole playing field brand, a new account? So I’m super excited to give you guys this stuff because I have yet to share this with anybody. Awesome. The biggest thing is, so let’s say, for example, you have a hundred people on your list, and this number can be any; I don’t care if you have five, you have 500.

The biggest thing I want you to understand is that every single one of those email addresses, for the most part, will put a little star. Sometimes there are some spammers, they’re usually linked to somebody who has a credit card, who has needs, who have desires, who has a problem, and they’re coming to you thinking that you may be that solution for them.

And so when. Look at your database and emails as a whole; it makes more sense in terms of being able to have that desire to bring more people into your circle. Because a lot of times, it’s easy to like a Facebook group. You see those profiles come in, and you’re like, oh, there’s Sally.

Here’s Susan. And, like, it’s straightforward for you to see that instead of an email. They usually don’t have a picture attached, right? What ends up happening is you have all these people come in, and you want to be able to use a very targeted email opt-in lead magnet. One of the biggest mistakes that I made is I had an opt-in way back in the day that was just quoted, like motivational quotes for female entrepreneurs.

Yeah. As you can imagine, I brought everybody to town, like everybody came to mind, and they weren’t necessarily specifically linked to my offer. They weren’t even my ideal clients whatsoever. They’re just like cool motivational quotes. That’s awesome. And we think that we need more people at the party, but you want the right kind of people at your party.

I would like you to start with understanding your ideal client in terms of their actual pain point, taking one of those, and helping solve it. Now, you don’t have to give away the whole enchilada. You don’t have to give them the whole process or method, but giving them that bite-size piece for them to be like, heck yeah, that worked for me.

And then that way, it makes it easier for them to follow along and continue down the. And then, from there, you’ll go into a welcome sequence. Your welcome sequence is, generally speaking, around five emails long. And I was hoping you could focus on using stories and those pain points to shift their beliefs so they understand.


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