
How to Standout on Social with Tequila Dodard

How to Standout on Social with Tequila Dodard

Welcome to The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento. In this episode, we have Tequila, and she is the owner of Standout Be You. Welcome, Tequila, and thank you for being here. Can you tell us about your business and how you started working from home? 

“Okay. Absolutely. Well, I had a full-on executive position where I traveled all over the country and ended up meeting my now amazing husband. Initially, it didn’t matter where we lived because I worked for a doctor with 15 centers across the country. So I was on the plane like every week. So it did not matter where I worked, and then we decided to start the family, and when that happened, we knew that we wanted to be able to raise our family together.

So we decided, at that time, to put my career on hold and move forward with his career. So I started my business of helping people, and it’s been my mission to help individuals free up more time to spend time doing what they really want to do. In the end, what we want is to be happy and spend more time with our family and our friends.” That’s great how you were able to adapt.

What tips can you give moms to stand out on social media?

“I think one of the biggest things is to have your message together. So one of the things I say is if you’re confusing individuals, you’re going to lose individuals. So let’s not confuse them, and one of the number one things that I recommend is making sure that your message is very clear, and that’s one of the things that I like to get back to when I take on a new client is to know, what are we telling people here?

What’s your message? Then let’s wrap your message around your products, services, marketing, and everything else because if you do not have your message down, everything else will be completely off. You’ll even attract the wrong audience that won’t purchase and will cost in ad clicks.”

What other advice do you give our listeners about standing out on social media? Also, where can people find your group?

“I think the other part is getting out there, getting inside the communities, connecting with people, and building relationships. My FB group is called Women Who Collaborate on social media. Also, people need to know how to capture leads from their websites.

First of all, you need to know how to drive traffic to your website and capture the leads that are coming in or just the people visiting your website. You need to get their emails and market to them through various channels. So I think putting that message out there is really important and ensuring we’re all doing that. 

That’s one of the things with taking on a new client in a business strategy. Part of it is, let’s talk about your website, and then you won’t believe some people only have their Facebook page. So I advise that they need their website. What if Facebook went down?

A more regular case is when Facebook takes away groups and profiles have been hacked, in which they lose access to their FB page as well. I know individuals no longer on Facebook because they didn’t follow a community standard were removed, and their business is gone. 

When you have an email list, it belongs to you. Your website is yours, and use the social platforms to drive people back to your website. Set up a Facebook pixel and just put it on your website and make sure it’s firing, and then we can follow people back on social media. You can then reach the people that have already been to your website.” 

I agree 100%. Thank you for these hard truth pills that business owners need to swallow. To hear the full episode of this article, please head over to my website, where you can find this and many more episodes. Special thanks to Tequilla, and have a wonderful week, everyone. 

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Tequila has worked within the marketing industry for over 15 years, within different niches.

For the last 7 years, she has had the opportunity to work within the virtual world as a Strategist with several clients and she gets super excited each and every time she takes on a new client.

Tequila specializes in business growth and customer experience. She’s found that operating inside the virtual world is really no different than working inside the corporate world.

People want to feel heard and important.

Everyone has a story and it deserves a to be heard. Tequila helps you create meaningful conversations, build connections and increase your visibility in order to grow your business.

You can find all of this about Tequila around the internet but what you might not know is she loves to travel, hike and relax on Sundays with her family.




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