
How to stand in Your Truth and Convictions Even if They Contradict Popular Opinion

How to stand in Your Truth and Convictions even if they Contradict Popular Opinion

Welcome to The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento. Today, I want to talk to you about truth and convictions.

 I was recently invited to be on a panel of experts to talk about the Google core updates that occurred in June and also in July and these updates are very significant. They’re changing the way we search and I was invited I realized that one of the other panelists is very highly regarded in the local search industry and I instantly got nervous. 

This is crazy. Like, I can’t believe that I’m on this panel and all this stuff to do my due diligence. I started doing my research on their thoughts and feelings about Google My Business like methods and what works, and what doesn’t work.

I was at least aware of their stance in the industry because I honestly truly never followed them before and I didn’t even know what their stance was. I’ve only gathered my information on Google My Business through my actual results and my actual client results and client experience and those kinds of things. 

So I’ve only ever learned what I know about Google My Business through my application, through my trial, and my error. So I really haven’t paid attention to what other people are saying about Google My Business. So going into the webinar, I was nervous because there was one point at which I disagreed with their study.

They had done a study and it had said something that contradicted my experience in Google My Business. I was very nervous but I was like what? I talked to a few people about it and they were like if that’s what you’ve learned and it’s not what they’ve experienced, then it’s fine to still say this is what I’ve experienced and this is why it’s different. 

So it did end up coming up in the webinar and I said, we at TDM Marketing have a different take on that. I ended up standing up for my results and what I have seen to be working in the Google My Business space and what I see to be getting results.

I ended up feeling good about it and the reason for that is because I think that it’s very common for people to get too into the data and too into the weeds and not see if they’re getting those results and what those results are and what is causing those results. 

So I definitely think that is possible but I also think that it’s really valuable to have different opinions, different viewpoints, and things like that on a panel because if it was the same and everybody was saying the same thing, then it wouldn’t be very fun and also it wouldn’t allow the audience to have those different perspectives.

These are actual results that I’m seeing with our clients, for the past three years and it’s okay to express that opinion and contradict someone.

How to stand in Your Truth and Convictions even if they Contradict Popular Opinion

It was hard for me and all of my friends, all my business friends, and my husband, and everyone can tell you that that whole week leading up to this webinar, I was so nervous because I had already done this research and I had already known that my methods contradict their methods and it just made me so nervous. 

So it’s important to stand in your truth and not be bothered when it is not the same truth as someone else but still respect those people for their beliefs.

I am not in any way dismissing what they’re saying and saying that it is not valid but it’s just valid for them and maybe the things that they do and the studies that they’ve done and the way that they’ve done them, it’s valid and it’s true. 

It’s just not what I’ve seen in my business. It took a lot for me to be able to stand up and as motivation to whatever you’re doing in my life, whatever I have come across just stand firm in my convictions, in what you’ve seen, what you’ve witnessed, and how you feel about things. So just stand for what you believe in and express your truth and don’t be afraid. Have a great week. 

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

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