
How to Optimize Your Facebook Profile

for Your Business

How to Optimize Your Facebook Profile for Your Business.

Welcome to episode 51 of The Determined Mom Show. Hello, determined moms. Today I’m going to talk to you about optimizing your Facebook profile to maximize your business’s reach. Now, we all know that using your Facebook personal Facebook page is not acceptable for your business. However, there is some gray area where they intermingle, and I want to show that to you. 

Optimize your Facebook Profile

To get started, one of the most important things you can do is have a call to action in your cover photo. So you want to have an attractive cover photo with your logo, and then also you want to be attracting people to join whatever your latest challenges or whatever your lead magnet is. You want to have that in your cover photo because that will let people know you’re a serious business owner, take your business seriously, and want to grow. 

Could you make sure that you fill out your intro? For example, mine specializes in Google My Business Management, host of The Determined Mom Show and Business Moms Summit. I have also hosted the Business Moms Summit, was a Marketing Implementation Coach at The Determined Mom, was a Marketing Instructor at Online Marketing for Moms, Executive Producer and Host at The Determined Mom Show, and Search Engine Optimizer at The Determined Mom and Google My Business Manager at The Determined Mom. So why is it important to have all of these different jobs listed? The reason is that if someone is browsing your profile, they can see what you’re skilled at.

Fill out the intro that you must have all of your social media connections and your websites; everything should be on this little section, and it will display things like the Instagram icon, the LinkedIn icon, the YouTube icon, etc.

How to Optimize Your Facebook Profile for Your Business

The main point is that potential clients browsing Facebook can see your specialty. They can immediately assess if they want to be friends with you, which makes things a lot easier. 

Add your Potential Clients as ‘Friends’

Another thing you’re going to want to add is some friends, and we’ll talk about how you can segment those friends into different categories and groups. You can do that based on what you are aiming for as far as your marketing goes in terms of networking and putting potential leads into a specific funnel. 

Use Facebook Featured Images to Promote

You will want to change your Facebook page’s featured image. To an offer or Lead Magnet, e.g., mine says, Google My Business Free Webinar. When a potential client clicks on that image, people can go to my summit webinar and take that course. I put all that information, including the link, in the picture’s description. You should modify your cover photo like that as well. So click here on your cover photo. When people click it, it should bring up the link to your challenge, freebie, etc.

Making these changes is going to allow potential clients to make an educated decision as to whether or not they want to add you as a friend. My technique for doing this is to create Friends Lists, which is really important. So you can easily share personal family things with just your family. You can also share only business-related things with those in that business category. 

Auto Tag Potential Clients

Now, let’s say you want to add a potential client as a social media friend and organize them properly into your pre-created list. Follow these steps:

  1. I will click on find friends and find someone I want to be friends with. It says “people that I may know.”


  2. I’m going to click add friend.


  3. Then I’m going to hover over the friend requests sent.


  4. Click Add to another list.


  5. Then select the new list that you created.


  6. Now, when they accept, they will automatically go into that list.

Keep Private Life and Business Separate

You’ll also want to change the privacy of some of your posts to make sure that potential clients don’t see anything unwanted, especially If you’re going to open your Facebook profile up to business acquaintances. Another option is to create a separate Facebook profile to connect with people for business purposes only. Using this method, you can segment your list just like an email list.

You can put your posts around pain points for your potential clients and how you can solve them, which will start conversations with those people. I encourage you to use your Facebook profile for prospecting and making connections. Get to know people, comment on their pictures, add friends, and use the techniques I’ve highlighted to make your Facebook profile work for your business.

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