
How to make your first $1,000 Online with Megan Lockhart

How to make your first $1,000 Online with Megan Lockhart

Welcome to episode 12 of The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento and we have Megan Lockhart from Hello Life Academy. She is a mom of two and she’s been working from home for a few years.

You will find so much information in this episode, she’s going to teach us how to create the first $1,000 as a new entrepreneur. So she has a step-by-step formula. It is awesome and I am super excited for her to share with you. So here we go.

“Thanks for having me, Amanda. I started the business in my basement and then it evolved into an international company, helping women with their businesses, and bringing them more online. So brick and mortar network, marketing companies and Hello Life Academy is my third baby.

It is primarily a 12-month mastermind for women in business. It’s been incredible because we’ve had eight launches, which is insane to say out loud but eight whole groups of women go through it and it’s been so fun.” 

How did you do this? How did you push through, how did you change from going from no money to making a consistent income and feeding your kids and all those great things? 

“So I started to put together my first course for business and just teaching people, how do you open a fitness and health coach company without exhausting themselves and that was successful. I love doing it and that’s how I made my first $1,000.

I sold 10 of them at $100, which sounds not very much but I focused energy on giving those people a lot of value, and most people that came to the studio to do classes ended up actually taking the higher training and then becoming instructors. 

So it was really kind of cool to see them start to step into their power for it’s like, Hey, I can do this too. Empowering them and giving them that realization, I think is the hardest part for them to like that moment when the light bulb clicks and they’re like, okay, I can do something with my skills or learn a skill and turn that into something. I think that’s a great moment for women. 

So that’s where the Hello Life Academy was kind of born. It was a 12-month program to bring health coaches specifically at that time together to create a community and launch their first online program or their first kind of piece in the online space and they rocked it. They did so amazingly and we spent weekends together. So we do meet up locally and have had meetups all over. We will also be launching it in a bigger way.

A lot of women create these beautiful companies and things change when you create a company, right? Your role shifts in the house, in the community, everything So super exciting. When you make that first thousand dollars, you feel like a rock star because you are a rockstar and if you’ve ever tried to sell something online, I recommend creating a list of founding members. So first you have to have a product but founding members are compelling and some coaches call them beta testers. I don’t like to use the word beta. 

There’s something powerful behind the phrase Founding Member. You’re a founding member of this product. You are a founding member of my course or my classes or this specific launch or you’re a VIP. So first it’s kind of that terminology that you’re going to use and I know that many people would say, well, that’s not, you’re not going to charge enough by doing this, but I always recommend if you’re going into selling some course or product online, start with the $97.

Cause it’s also strategic because people will say to their husbands and partners and even themselves, Oh, it’s less than a hundred bucks. Right? You’re going to have to start stepping into the CEO role. So that’s the first thing is to tell yourself that you are the CEO of this new company and product that you’re launching and believe in it. Don’t try to pretend like it’s not real. Don’t say, Oh, I just got this thing going on the side.

You are the CEO. Now you’ve created a product. You can do this. So the second thing is to commit to that $97 and commit to finding 10 people and you can do this because there are thousands of people, millions of people, online, Instagram, Facebook emails, your neighbors.

I treated those founding members as if they had invested $2 million in my company. I took them to a restaurant, I got some wine, I got some champagne. I gave them all a notebook to say thank you. Here are some details of the product of the program I just showed them appreciation and then from those 10 people that started everything I had now testimonials, they also talked about it and about how awesome the program was.

My biggest recommendation is to nurture the heck out of those people. They’re 10 people instead of looking for a hundred people for your first product, nurture those 10 people because those 10 people will turn into a hundred. I think that strategy is amazing and it gives them more of a personal touch, which I think is, it sounds like that’s what all your business is all about.

It’s that personal connection and that’s how you’re so successful in what you’re doing. I think it’s very important not only in the online space but you need to get to know your clients as well as even in their personal life a little bit like not going to ask them what they ate for breakfast but you want to just get to know about them like their kids, their habits, that kind of thing because that’s going to give you that connection and let them into your space as well.

So I gathered the first step is to tell yourself that you are the CEO and own your business and just know that it’s the right thing. The second one is committing to that $97 and finding those 10 people, then the third step is going to be nurturing and showing them as much love and appreciation as you can, and then four is gathering the testimonials.” 

So you gave us a really good overview of how to make your first $1,000 online and I think that’s such an easy formula for people to follow and I think you’ve added so much value to the listeners, especially those who haven’t gotten started or who are just like afraid to get started. They don’t know what they’re doing. There’s so much of that out there but I think you have added so much to that. So I thank you tremendously for that.

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Not only is she sharing her story with us, but she is sharing her formula for earning your first $1,000 online.  She has used this method herself and seen fantastic results! This is an episode you can’t miss!

To connect with Megan and learn more about Hello Life Academy and get all of the free resources and blog posts from Hello Life Academy visit her at:





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