
How to Figure Out What Content Your Audience Wants to Hear About From You!


Best Content Strategies for Keyword Lists

Best Content Strategies For keyword lists

Welcome to episode 49 of The Determined Mom Show. This is Amanda Tento, and I am very excited to talk to you about a topic that Christine Strange of Harmony Web Design suggested. So she suggested discussing Content Strategies, narrowing down the massive list of keywords and trends, and making a content plan or calendar. 

I have a few strategies that I’m going to share with you, and hopefully, they will help you to develop some plans and research around your audience’s needs. So the first step in marketing is knowing exactly who you want your ideal client to be. 

Find your Target Audience

When you find your target audience online, it can assist you with picking the right keywords. You can join Facebook or Linkedin Groups and ask questions from the group’s community. They can provide you with a clear goal of what they want to achieve for their business. Individuals are always happy to share their opinions regarding what they need. This will help you discuss with them how you can provide solutions to what they need to achieve their goals.

Find out your Target Audience Marketing Struggle

Every business can say they want more sales, but what are their marketing needs or plans to get those results? When people join my Facebook Group, I ask about three questions and one of them is: “What are you struggling with?”

This is a great topic because this is one thing that keeps people from getting to the next level of having a complete content plan and a content strategy. Creating your content around what your audience wants to hear about is best.

So there are several ways to do this. One is joining other people’s Facebook groups and asking questions of them. So you can join. Like I am a member of Boss Moms, which is a very big Facebook group. And occasionally, we’ll ask if I need clarification on something or if mom business owners are interested in something and I need a lot of opinions; then I will post in there.

Everybody has a current marketing struggle. Some people say that the most popular one is time management. Believe it or not, just trying to get everything done. The second most popular one is content, social media, and those kinds of things. So they’re going to tell you exactly what they’re struggling with before you even start engaging with them as they join your group, and now you know that they’re the right person for your group because they’re requesting to join it.

What Issues are your Peers Fixing?

You can do this by asking people within your industry what they fix the most for their clients. In finding out their clients’ most frequent requests, you can guestimate what content you can write about and what pain points to target. This also helps you keep up to date with your competitors.

So for Christine, if she builds WordPress sites, go into the WordPress community and ask them for, e.g., what type of web design errors do you fix the most? Or what are your clients currently struggling with? 

Market Research / Polling

Market research is important because, as you know your client’s pain points, it’s easier to attract and convert possible future clients. Find a way to fill the need of your clients; when you advertise that you solve ‘X,’ then you can offer a Lead Magnet that your client will want to get and exchange their email for.

If there is a “No,” ask why there is a no. Asking why they didn’t choose your business can provide great insight. They can give various reasons such as; Price, Timing, Unsurity e, etc. You can overcome their objection and possibly the objections of many other people in the future by answering that question inside the content you are creating. 

It’s less about keywords and more about market research, ensuring you take the time to get to know your audience, their struggles, and exactly what they’re looking for and the problems they want to solve. In the online marketing for moms membership, most of the bonus videos that are in there come out of questions that were asked of me by clients or someone that I was helping to fix a problem.

So all of that content in there is strategically sourced from people with real-life problems. So that is the best content strategy. Suppose someone, e.g., has a luxury business. In that case, the problem that they would be solving is selling that luxury product or fulfilling that person’s desire for that luxury product that they’ve always wanted. So even though it’s not necessarily a problem in that person’s head, it is a problem. So you want to talk about what it feels like not to have that thing and what it feels like after you have it, whatever that thing is.

Content Planning

Content planning is important, especially a weekly schedule related to your target audience or industry. You can also schedule coupon codes, possibly once a month, to entice buyers.

So let’s say Monday, you do a motivational quote; Tuesday, you share some industry tip or article Wednesday. You can give an inside peek at your business or do a live stream or whatever works for you. These days of the week can be mixed to suit what you’d like to do, but this is just a baseline schedule. Then Thursday, you could do an interview or a guest interview with someone else, do a live Q&A, or post another article.

If you have a blog or podcast, you could share that whenever that podcast comes out and then Friday, I always love to do something funny, something engaging, those kinds of things, because that is going to help people to go into the weekend with a little bit of a fun attitude and spirit. Everybody needs that right now. So this is a great time to develop and keep that content strategy going. That is what I recommend for content and for sourcing your content. 


If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

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