
How to Easily Get the Freshest Relevant News to Share on Social

How to easily get the freshest relevant news to share on Social

Welcome to The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento. In this episode, I want to talk to you about something I feel is not very well known, but I’ve been using it for a few years and love it. It helps you to find relevant articles. For example, I wanted to find an article about SEO or the latest on Google My Business. I use these Google alerts to find that information. 

So if you’re struggling, which I know a lot of us do from time to time to find the latest news on your industry, about your industry, even anything related to your industry, what you can do is very, very simple. You can have the latest news delivered right to your inbox. The latest news articles, blog articles, and anything online are delivered directly to your inbox. So it’s the equivalent of you going online every single day and doing all of these Google searches for new news, but instead of you having to do it, Google will alert you to the news.

I want to touch on a few ways that you can use this. So obviously, finding news articles relevant to your industry is probably the top. The second one is to keep tabs on your brand and what people say about it. So what you can do is, in the Google alerts box, you can search in quotes your brand name, and that will give you alerts on any new activity. Whether or not somebody wrote an article about you or somebody mentioned your brand somewhere, then it’s going to alert you. 

Now I will say the caveat is that you must open the emails. So I get these emails every day in a digest, and I don’t open them anymore because unless I’m looking for new news, I have a couple of years’ worth of great articles in my inbox. So I may even have articles about myself. 

I want to share this with you because I think it’s actionable for you to use. So the next thing that I want to have you do is, I want you to go to google.com/alerts, and that’s going to take you right to where you can set up Google alerts. You want to be signed into a Gmail or Google Suite email address. So you will have to have that setup. So you’ll set it up to whatever email address you want, but at the top, you’ll see a search bar that says, create an alert about and then that’s where you’ll type in your inquiry.

So some of the examples of ones that I have are mom + business, mompreneur, etc., and I have some. For some of my clients, I have different searches for clients that will bring me specific things that will help me to manage their social media better. I have my branded ones, The Determined Mom Show, and my name, Amanda Tento. So I have all of those in quotes. So then that way, it brings me back to that exactly, and it will also keep a quote-branded search for my clients. So I can keep up with them, what they’re doing, and any newsworthy articles. 

That could be a great thing for you to do as well, and another use where you can alert your clients to any articles that they’ve been named in if they don’t know about them, and if they do know about them, you can always send them a nice congratulations on being featured in this article. They would appreciate that and that you’re paying attention to them. 

There is also a list of alerts that get created. So the other thing that you’re going to want to do is it’ll tell you like a number, how many you have, you’re going to click that little gear and it’ll tell you if you want to send it as a digest or you can receive them once a week, you can receive them every day. It just depends on your preferences. You can also set the delivery time. So if you know that you’re doing your social every day at 9:00 AM, You can have it set to send you every Sunday at 8:00 AM. So then, all of the newest articles will be in that email, and you don’t have to search your email.

That way, it’ll also keep your inbox a little more organized. I need to go down to once a week too, but I hope you’ll find that helpful in your social media and your basic searches, and anything that you need, you can put there. So even if you’re looking for competitors or want to monitor what your competitors are doing, you can set up a Google alert for that too. I hope that you have a wonderful week and that you accomplish all of your goals. 

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