
How to define your ideal client and speak only to them

How to define your ideal client and speak only to them

Welcome to The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento. Today. I want to talk to you about defining your ideal client and speaking only to them. So we’re going to break down how to find your marketing voice.

So what you want to do is think about your ideal client. So if you could only serve one person, What would that person do? What would she be like? What would her business be like? I will say her this whole time because I’m talking about my ideal customer avatar. So basically, you’re going to define her by name so you can pick a name for her.

You can just pick every detail of her life and figure out exactly what she likes and doesn’t like, and you’re going to use this particular person in your mind every time you write marketing copy. So you’re not speaking to my Facebook audience. You’re going to speak to this particular person.

So I want to touch on a few things before we get into a bit more broad-based marketing versus targeted marketing. Let’s say you are a life coach and want to target anyone with any problem in their life. They think they need help. So you’re just talking to a broad audience. Maybe you might even narrow it down. Regarding women, you’re talking to that audience and saying, Hey, I can help you with your life. Whatever situation is going on, it doesn’t matter. 

‘Anything I can help you with’ is not using specific language, and you’re just shooting at anyone with a problem. So that seems to be a great method because you can talk to many people and cover many problems, and you’re not excluding anyone. There might be a lot of opportunities there, but I will say that that is a very ineffective marketing method. The reason is that none of those people will feel like how to solve their problem.

You don’t necessarily know how to solve the problem of someone wanting to switch careers if you’re not talking about that specifically. So narrowing down the focus of your business is very important as well. So, for example, if you specialize in career transition, then you want to be talking to those looking to transition out of their career or into a different career.

So if you’re using broad language like, ‘I can help anyone with anything in their life. If you’re having a problem, please call me. I can help you. We can work through it together.’ That kind of language is very unspecific, and I know most of you have evolved past using broad marketing, but if you still are, I encourage you to define your focus. 

What do you want to focus on? Where do you find the joy in your business? I recently figured out that I love marketing implementation, coaching the best out of everything that I do, for ‘done for you services’. Like I enjoy working with clients one-on-one to solve their technical marketing issues. So that is where my focus is mainly, and I also enjoy Google My Business and Google My Business management. So I have narrowed my focus on that as well. 

So I will be using targeted language to speak to those who do not have a Google My Business or are not utilizing it correctly, and for most of these people, I will be speaking to them as my ideal client avatar. So all of my languages will be tailored directly toward that.

So let’s say you have a conversation with someone, and that person expresses their pain points: I’m stuck in a dead-end job, or I’m tired of working for someone else, etc. Then all those things a person tells you should be used in your marketing language. It’s very important to be specific and use their language when talking about their pain point or problem.

So speaking directly to someone’s heart is the other thing that’s very important as well. So even with something as simple as Google My Business, I don’t do this often because I want to keep it more professional. Still, I really should dive in and make it a little bit more personal and more pulling at their heartstrings, but I’m not that kind of person, to be honest.

So it’s hard for me to push into this particular level or zone and do that heartstring marketing because I feel like doing that in my marketing would be a little bit fake. However, I encourage you to talk about those pain points.

So one thing that you can do and that I highly suggest is to survey or interview people in your audience who you feel are your ideal customer avatar. So you can do that through a Google Form or Jotform. You could also talk to them on the phone or maybe have a Zoom call or free consultation and see if they’re willing to record that Zoom call. So that way, you can take their answers from it and use their language when they’re talking about those pain points.

So ask them what is your biggest struggle right now in your business. What, what do you think is the best way to overcome it? How can I help you overcome it? All of those things are talking about that specific pain point. It’s going to give you a more direct line to those people. So this is not only just for social media posting.

This is also for blog posting and anything you use to speak to your audience. So by going through this process, you will find your marketing voice. You can subscribe to my podcast or website to get the full version of this article that goes deeper into marketing tactics to get the right clients for your business. Have a wonderful week.

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