
How to Break the Sugar Addiction Once and For All with Melissa Rohlfs

Welcome to episode 144 of The Determined Mom Show. Today we’re going to be talking about breaking the sugar addiction. For Melissa growing up she had an issue with sweets which followed her into her adult years by going to a Naturopath and doing therapy she has learned to get to the root of the problem and to use coping mechanisms to fight cravings. She is more than happy to share with us her tactics which she believes is to first identify what our relationship with food is about.

What Are the Hard Questions That We Should Be Asking Ourselves?

So we need to pinpoint where it came from and what the root is. That’s what we need to work on instead of trying to detox or deciding not to keep sugar in the house because it can backfire and just makes us want all the more when we tell ourselves we can’t have it.

It just creates a kind of dynamic in our minds. So if you can look at your relationship with sugar and ask yourself, what do I use it for? What is the purpose? What is this doing for me? Is this serving me? and what am I looking for when I reach for the sugar? I think that’s a powerful place to start. 

So after we identify those things, the next step in breaking that addiction can be to find a mentor or healthy friend to support you and it helps. That’s awesome.

How to Break the Sugar Addiction Once and For All with Melissa Rohlfs

I’m so glad you have that support because that makes a world of difference. When it comes down to changing your habits, you have to identify the root issue because you have to know whether you’re physically hungry or emotionally hungry.

How Do You Help Women to Kind of Figure This All Out

So we’ll turn to food for a different reason besides physical hunger. So really kind of a process of helping people learn how to identify their hunger and work through the sabotage. Melissa has a program called Finding Freedom and we really kind of get to the root of the issue of their relationship with sugar. It’s a 12-week process where we change the mindset. We change our habits because that’s where everything changes.

Melissa states “I help women change their habits and get unstuck and find that freedom”. I know in January you have your Finding Freedom program coming up, so perfect timing. Cause we’re kind of in the midst of the holidays right now. Finding Freedom is a safe space for women, where they can come and they can just share what’s on their minds. What’s also on their heart, without judgment, without shame, just be themselves and find that freedom and learn how to honor their hunger, listen to their bodies, honor their ‘Yes’. A lot of times there’s something deeper than the food.

A lot of times it’s something going on, whether it’s in our marriage or our chat or parenting or our career and so let’s get to that and let’s work through that together so that you’re not using the sugar as a bandaid.

So hopefully the women in your course can learn how to teach themselves steps on redirecting that “hunger” energy and those cravings and also teach their kids as well. Well, thank you so much, Melissa, for being here and sharing with us. 

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!


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