
What Has Been Cooking In The TDM Marketing Kitchen: Google My Business Offers

What Has Been Cooking In The TDM Marketing Kitchen

Welcome to episode number 109 of The Determined Mom Show. Today I want to share some of the amazing things we’ve been cooking in the kitchen at The Determined Mom and TDM marketing. The first thing is the changes that are coming to the podcast. 

So you’ll find a couple of episodes a week, so two per week.  We will publish a new episode every four days on a rotating schedule. Those episodes will be a combination of guest episodes and small, short tidbits that will be very actionable and helpful for you in your business, your personal life, or the combination of the two.

Those things will be very simple and easy for you to implement, and I hope you enjoy the show’s new format. As always, please leave us feedback and let us know how things are going. And if you like it, you can also email us at info the determined mom.com.

Our new webinar is the next exciting thing we’ve been working on in the TDM Marketing Kitchen. So we’ve created a new webinar that walks you through you can stop wasting time on social media. There’s so much hype about social media; you must be on it. You have to be posting; you have to be creating content. You have to be engaging. Truth be told, it just doesn’t work for anyone.

You ask any of your business owners’ friends how is posting on social media going for you. But most people are burnt out on social media. They need more time to create content. Their burnout on posting and trying to engage with people that aren’t just interested in engaging. It’s just an uphill battle. And not only that, but the algorithms are always constantly fighting against you. We created this very short webinar.

It will be a 20-minute webinar, initially airing on Wednesday, July 7th, at 2:00 PM. So if you’d like to join that, you can definitely join us there, and you can find the link in the show notes to this episode. And if not, you can join us on the replay, which we will also put in the show notes to this episode.

After it’s aired, it will be changed to the replay link. That will be a fun webinar for us because I want to help as many people as possible. Our team is very excited and motivated to help as many people as well with their Google My Business and to learn why it’s more important than social media to help you with that marketing shift.

I am so shifting that.  Energy, effort, time, and resources from these different social media outlets to just Google My Business will change your business. I’ve seen it time and time again with our clients. It is just so powerful. So please join us for that. 

And we also have an amazing email course that we’ve created. It is a 21-day email series, and you can learn everything you need to know about optimizing your business listing from start to finish. It will completely also change your business, and it will give you that great baseline to start with for Google My Business. So that is a  very important part of what we have been working on, and you can also access that in the show note.

I hope that you enjoyed this episode. I know it’s very short, but that’s how I will keep the format of the solo episode because I want to save you time.

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