
Google My Business: Lessons and Tips

Google My Business Lessons and Tips

Welcome to episode number 71 of The Determined Mom Show. Today we will discuss Google My Business, different lessons, and tips. I’ve appeared on many podcasts as a guest lately, talking about Google My Business, and one thing I’ve noticed is that it’s being completely underutilized, which I already knew. Still, there are certain industries where it is paramount.

And I appeared on this week’s Weddings podcast with Kimberly and Annie, which was so much. But something that has come out of it is that many wedding professionals have yet to use it to its fullest capabilities, and they’re losing thousands of dollars of revenue. I want to make sure that you understand the importance of Google My Business and why it is more important than your current website because of Google.

You are displaying Google My business listings in the top three results. If you Google anything right now, that is a business, you will most likely find that the first thing that pops up is the snack pack, which is the first three, Google My Business listings that Google suggests for your area for that particular service.

So if you need to be in that top three, guess how much visibility you have on the internet. Very, very little. And if you have hired someone to do your SEO, and you’re doing traditional SEO to get ranking in the organic listings, those listings show up way down below the Google My Business listings and below the ads.

If you’re paying thousands of dollars a month for s e o, you may wanna reconsider and focus on your Google My Business listing and take care of it, nurturing it, treating it like your baby. It’s also more important than social media, depending on your industry. And basically, there’s no reason for you not to be on it.

So can you be on it? If you work from home, you certainly can. So I have a listing, two listings. For my two different businesses and I work from home. So I set it up as I do not serve customers at my location. So super easy, and you can set your service areas, you can set up to 16 service areas on your profile, and it’s just such an easy thing to do, such a powerful thing too.

And the results that I am seeing from my customers are just astounding. From 600 views a month to over 4,000, can you imagine having 4,000 eyes on your business that you would not have usually had? That is very, very powerful. And actually, that particular client that I’m talking about is.

About 6,000, which is amazing. She’s a wedding photographer and not necessarily a wedding photographer. She’s a photographer and does all kinds of events and things, including portraits, headshots, boudoirs, and weddings. She’s like a general, all-encompassing photographer. And if someone can rank.

In a general photography niche, you can rank if you are a wedding photographer, a headshot photographer, or if you have any specific industry that people search for. So, Very important to be on Google My Business. So if you still need to, the first thing you should do as you’re listening to this or after you listen to it is to go to business.google.com and search your business name and see if you already have a listing.

If you have a brick-and-mortar store, most likely, Google has already created a listing for you, so you want to find it and claim it. And if you are still looking for a listing with your business name, you must create one from scratch. So go ahead and do that now, and there’s no way that it’s not worth your time.

I can guarantee you that. And also, that leads me to the next thing. I have recently started a Google My Business live training.  If an organization helps business owners or you have any influence over business owners, then you can schedule live training. And this live training will encompass everything that is in my Google My Business Master course, and it will teach you everything that you need to do to start ranking on Google with Google My business.

Some nuances are only sometimes widely known, but those things can help you get into the top three. I have seen most of my clients start ranking in the top three. In about six to nine weeks. So traditional SEO can take up to six months. Still, with Google, my business with an appropriately managed profile or listing, you can start ranking for your industry and area in about six to nine weeks, which is crazy in the business world.

That’s like a month and a half to, let’s say, three months. That’s not bad at all. If you’re considering how long and expensive a traditional SEO campaign is, that’s a huge deal. So please go ahead and claim it. If you would like to take my Google My Business Master course, I will put the link in the show notes for that great opportunity for you to learn how to manage your profile yourself.

And if you want to have my team do your Google My Business profile, you can actually. Go to the determined mom.com/google. We do one-time optimization services where we rewrite your description and completely overhaul your profile to ensure that you have all of the I’s dotted and all of the T’s crossed in your listing.

We also do monthly management services where we post for you, respond to reviews, and do everything you need to get a ranking for you. So that’s like an all-inclusive service, including the optimization. If you do that all at once, you get the optimization and the monthly management.

If you are interested in those things, visit the determinedmom./ google. If you have a podcast or a Facebook group or anything like that, I would be more than happy to come on and talk about Google My Business in general and give some tips and answer questions and those kinds of things because it’s such an important thing right now, especially in the middle of this pandemic.

So reach out to me again amanda@thedeterminedmom.com. I hope you have a wonderful week, and next week on the podcast, we will have Don McGee, who will talk about how to create a sustainable balance with your health. Have a wonderful week. This episode of the Determined Mom Show is brought to you by the Google My Business Master Course.

This course features six modules and 18 lessons that will walk you through, step by step, how you can master Google my business and get a ranking in your industry for the locations you want in just six to nine weeks. This course is robust, and it features step-by-step instructions. You can access it at tdm marketing academy.thinkific.com or go to the determined mom.com and click on Google My Business course.


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