
Business Mom Summit Day Five-Social Preview Episode

Business Mom Summit Day Five-Social Preview Episode

Hi everyone. Amanda Tento here, and I am here with Debra Egger from Radiant Media Labs. She is an amazing LinkedIn expert who focuses on copy and attracting clients and everything like that. Please tell us a little about yourself and how you got started.

I started as a writer many, many years ago. I got a graduate degree in creative writing, so I’ve been doing this work for a long time. About five years ago, I got into helping people create their books, and then the people who needed help with their books began to say, I need help with social media, and I love what you’re doing on LinkedIn.

Could you help me with my writing on social media? So that’s a short story of how I got into this. People that they want to work with. I think LinkedIn is one of those things that intimidates people because they think, oh, it’s a business network, and I don’t know how to network, and I don’t know what to say, and I don’t like; they think it’s like a whole other thing, which it is. It’s like its own animal.

It’s not the same as Facebook or Instagram. But what is your take on that as far as LinkedIn is? It is different. It has a pa and a reputation for people who aren’t on there right now. It has a reputation for being somewhat stuffy, full of recruiters, and where you would only go to look for a job.

Yet it’s changed over the past few years. And it’s, and it’s no longer that way. So there are many solopreneurs on there, all different kinds of software companies, just people of every type of business, helping each other out, referring people to each other, and conducting business. It’s one of the fastest paths to getting clients over some of the other platforms that are out there. 

I need to watch this talk and apply your methods for sure. It’s something that we all need, like even like, and there’s just no one I know well besides you that’s getting those comments and engaging posts on LinkedIn.

You’re doing well, and the comment is important to know. Don’t even matter all that much. It’s more about how many people are showing up in your inbox.

Because many people who reach out to work with me have yet to comment on a post and most likely never even liked a post. They just went straight ahead and booked a consulting hour, or they went straight ahead, and they messaged me or emailed me or took another action that I was hoping they would take, but they didn’t even leave me a comment so that I wouldn’t worry too much about comments.

You can get five comments and do well you can. Fifty people instead of, you know, 5,000 people view your post and still do well on LinkedIn.  That’s good to know. That’s good to know. I think we’re used to the algorithms of the other social media outlets, so I guess that’s good; I’m glad we brought that up because I think that’s an important part of LinkedIn.

What is the number one struggle you see for people trying to break into LinkedIn and attract those clients? Many times, people are not focusing on one of the most important words in the English language when it comes to copying. And it’s three letters, and it is you. So, in this case, the U would be the person they want to work with.

They need to become clearer about who that person is. And then when they sit down to write their content, sometimes they’re a little too. Not only you but on what they do as a service provider or product owner, and they need to focus more on you. Okay, that makes sense.

If people don’t feel like that post is for them, they might not stop and stop their scroll or whatever that would be called on LinkedIn. It’s still a scroll. I like that. I like that a lot. Do you have any examples of people who? Have worked, who you’ve worked with, have turned around their business in attracting those clients by using the methods that you’re going to be teaching.

I have one client who, after using my methods, was able, like, book four clients pretty quickly, and we, you know, she used my writing methods to create a large content piece, which was her book, and that allowed her to get a couple of two big corporates. 

I think it was, and then one of those clients had hired her for several jobs and ordered several copies of her book. So social media and the writing process that I teach for that was really helpful to her to make that happen.

They’re pleased with that because the long way of doing this kind of work is to send a direct message after a direct message or using those tools that LinkedIn doesn’t want us to use, Those automated tools that send, hello. I’m so glad we’re connected on LinkedIn. People know you’re sending that message to everybody you connect with.

All about connecting with other people, connecting deeply, and it’s also about helping people get their voice out there in a way that they haven’t before. So one of the things that I’ve talked about with folks is called writing into the Breakthrough because one of the reasons I do this is because as you begin to write your content, You can hire people.

Still, if you write your content, you have more of an opportunity to have these aha moments, these breakthrough moments, and it can help you understand how you set yourself apart from other people, how your ideas are different, and how they’re the same. You begin to discover your voice and how you sound like you.

One of the ways you can do that is you might have phrases, you might have words you’ve made up, or you might have other bits of lingo that you use that help you stand out from other people so that your copy does not end up sounding like a corporate.

 I am here with Lauren Wrighton, and she is a podcast producer and a course creator. So she will be teaching you and me how to start and grow your podcast so that it will impact your audience and your business. Bottom line. So welcome.

I am very excited to have you here and to learn more about podcasting and the topics that you will cover for us, or the topic that you will cover for us. So first, how did you get started with podcasting, editing, and producing podcasts?

So back in 2016, a friend and I started a podcast. We were working in the fitness field as group fitness instructors. She was a dietician. We decided to start a podcast for fun. We both loved it for different reasons. I loved the behind-the-scenes, so she started, ran with the podcast as the host, and I started doing all.

Production is getting nerding out on the behind-the-scenes part of podcasting. And then since then, I started my business, which started taking on clients, and have just learned everything I could about podcasting and podcast production. Did you guys naturally? Had those ways, and it was; there was no friction about it, and like it just happened, or was there a lot of convers? Well,

we’re really good friends, so there’s definitely no conflict, but there’s still a lot of tension because we still call it our podcast, even though I haven’t been on it in over a year. And, then, the dynamic worked on itself because she stepped into this role as our podcast developed. The dietician who knew professionally knew everything, and I stepped more like the mom on the show.

I would ask her questions, and she would answer my questions. So the fact that I stepped behind the scenes, it wasn’t huge. Change for her. So, it worked and worked out in both of our favorites.

I was curious about that, to see what that entailed. I love that it works for both of you and your personalities and your interests. That’s a match that meets in heaven. What is the difference between podcasts for everyone listening? What does a podcast producer do? Let me, let me ask.

So many terms can be confusing for someone who works on a podcast. The term that a lot of people hear is podcast editor. The podcast editor edits a podcast normally. Maybe they upload it and schedule it.

There’s also a podcast manager, and they are someone that does the editing. Helps you maybe with yours. Bookings. Your guest management helps you promote it on social media, so they’re helping you more with more of the tasks that come with podcasting.


If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

 Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

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Day Five Speakers Include Deborah Ager, Lauren Wrighton, Chantelle Turner, Karrie Chariton, Amanda Tento, Meg Brunson, Anita Morin, and Raewyn Sangari!

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