
Collaboration is Key: How To Create Win Win Collaborations

Collaboration is Key How To Create Win-Win Collaborations

Welcome to The Determined Mom Show. I am your host, Amanda Tento. I am so excited to be here talking to you about collaboration in the workplace today. This is such an essential part of the business.

You can collaborate with others in many ways, from podcasts to summits to just guesting in their Facebook group or your Facebook group. Also, having them as a guest, there are guest blogs, there are Instagram takeovers, and there are LinkedIn live takeovers.

You can do every type of thing with someone else, which I consider a collaboration. You can write articles for their website using your expertise. These things will bring value to your business and its audience, and vice versa. So if they’re guesting on your audience, you can get into it and share their expertise with your audience, and they gain exposure from it. 

You gain credibility with your audience, too, that you’re bringing in these experts with a lot of experience in their industry that can help them improve their business, their life, their nutrition, their fitness, whatever it is that person is a specialist in.

Now, I would like to let you know that I recently collaborated with a large, engaged Facebook group. So I offered a live Google My Business audit to this Facebook group of about 2000 people. I had zero ideas that a couple hundred of them would take me up on the offer.

I was instantly booked until September for Google My Business audits, which also booked out a lot of my time for client work, so I was immediately overwhelmed.

I was excited but also overwhelmed, and I realized after I started doing some of these audits I would not have had time for podcasting if I had kept my schedule completely booked. I will not have time to be a guest or make any appearances. 

I’m not going to have time for my kids or my husband. I will have little time for anything, including growing my business, which is my stage. I quickly realized this was not a sustainable promise that I had made. So I quickly switched gears, emailed everyone with outstanding audits, and said I could not do the live version, but I could offer you a free version that is recorded.

So I will record them and send them, and I’m still working on them. They only take a few minutes, but at the same time, it isn’t easy to get into that groove. So I’m going to dedicate one whole day and try to get as many done as possible. 

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I was hoping you could make sure that when you collaborate with people, you offer something sustainable for yourself that doesn’t interfere with your business, your growth, your training, anything in your life, family, all of those things.

I recommend a workshop or a worksheet or something like that. That is something that they can do themselves. I could provide an audit sheet like a checklist, or I could have just offered the virtual audit from the beginning. So those are things that I want you to consider when you’re going into collaborations, but this collaboration was still powerful. 

They’re still going to get what they were promised, and it will be a great collaboration between the Facebook owner and me. I just wanted to share that with you. So then you can see that sometimes collaborations can go awry, but there’s always a way to come back from them, and the benefit far outweighs any adverse action.

I hope that it helps you and that you’ll go out there and find other business owners and make those mutually beneficial relationships and partnerships. Work together and make things happen and have a great week. 

If you have any questions, let us know! Reach out to us!

Email us at: amanda@tdm-marketing.com

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